Adult Wellness
Most people know that dogs and cats age faster than humans. Once out of their puppy and kitten rapid growth stages, their health needs may change. Regular visits with your veterinarian can help them live longer and healthier lives.
Preventative medicine will include a physical exam and may include vaccinations, parasite prevention, laboratory testing and dental care. Not all health concerns have obvious signs in their early stages, but early intervention can be critical for your pet’s health. Early detection and intervention may be easier on the pocketbook as well.
Your pet’s age, breed, and lifestyle can have an impact on their health needs. We advise an exam at least annually for adult dogs and cats – generally those between the ages of one year and seven years. This is also the perfect time to discuss any concerns you may have with your veterinarian such as nutrition, behavior, or any changes you may have noticed.
Call us today to schedule your pet’s exam! If you have any questions, we would be happy to discuss our adult wellness program in more detail.